Subconscious Therapy
Have you been going to talk therapy for years but find yourself revisiting the same topics each session?
Does it feel like it takes months or even years to get a real breakthrough? It’s not your fault. Like many, you just haven’t utilized the right tools yet, the tools that help you move on and create changes you wish to see you in your life.
Traditional talk therapy works in the realm of the conscious mind. However, in order for long-lasting behavioral change to occur, you must engage with your subconscious thought patterns and beliefs. This is because the human brain creates life from programs held in the subconscious mind. It’s truly a matter of which programs you’re creating your life from. For most of us, those beliefs and programs are limiting and self sabotaging.
PSYCH-K is different than other modalities that work with the subconscious. In other modalities you may uncouple from stress or trauma, you many also be in an altered state, or not fully conscious because you are so deeply relaxed, like in hypnotherapy. The PSYCH-K process is simple, conscious and easy. AND, you get to create new programs in addition to peacefully unattaching from stress or trauma.
Neuroscience shows that the subconscious mind creates 95-97% of our lives. The conscious mind creates 3-5%. While I don’t love comparing us to technology, Bruce Lipton, PhD, stem cell biologist who wrote the Biology of Beliefs, says that our subconscious minds are the hard drives with the programs where our beliefs are stored, the place of power. Our conscious minds, the keyboards.
We’ll Work Together To
Re-Teach Your Brain
Beliefs we have about ourselves—both self-affirming and self-destructive—are developed from small bits of information and messages we’ve received about ourselves since the day we were born. Those beliefs are stored like a blueprint in our subconscious minds.
Fortunately, due to the brain’s amazing ability to create new neural pathways throughout life, we can change our blueprint to work for us rather than against us. We do this together using a process I refer to as subconscious therapy, using one or more of the modalities I have been trained in to guide you to your goals in a series of 10 sessions.
What is Subconscious Therapy?
Subconscious therapy is PSYCH-K in a series of 10 sessions, rather than a single session. Committing to 10 sessions allows time and space to address many, if not all, aspects of your life.
The process of PSYCH-K creates what's called a whole-brain state. In the whole-brain state—both hemispheres of your brain are balanced and communicating clearly with each other and when that happens your subconscious mind can expand. Expanding your subconscious allows you to:
Peacefully unattach from trauma or stress—past, present, or future
Expand from limiting or self-sabotaging beliefs
Create new beliefs connected to how you want to lead your life
Create neuroplasticity: the brains ability to have a new experience
Feel empowered as the creator of your life
With subconscious therapy there is no limit to what you can achieve, create, or transform.
How We Work Together
I conduct both in-person and virtual subconscious therapy sessions.
Learn more in the FAQs.
Subconscious Therapy
10 Sessions
In-person: 60-75 minutes
Virtual: 60-75 minutes
Experienced Guidance
True transformation doesn’t have to take years. If you’ve tried countless strategies to better your life but find yourself repeating the same cycles of dysfunction, it might be because we all need the right facilitator supporting us. Through a combination of PSYCH-K, (IFS) Internal Family Systems, breathwork and/or somatic practices, experience true transformation so you can finally pursue the life you’ve been waiting for.
How Is Subconscious Therapy Different From Psych-K?
Subconscious therapy is for those ready to go deeper in their healing and work with all aspects of life. We work together in a series of 10 sessions. This work is for those who wish to be empowered creators. Together we’ll go on a journey to learn your specific needs and goals, utilizing PSYCH-K and possibly but not necessarily, one or all of the following in combination; Internal Family Systems (IFS) for deeper inquiry, breathwork, and/or somatic practices that you’ll be able to integrate into your everyday life.
One of the benefits of subconscious transformation is that it is effective both in-person and remotely. You will fully experience the shifts that occur even though we may be miles apart. To prepare for your session, virtually or in person, consider where you are stuck and where you wish to grow.
If you are able to, please add some time for ease after your sessions. Sitting quietly, journaling, napping, or taking a walk can help with integration after a session.
No, subconscious transformation sessions are not currently covered by insurance.